buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Test Web Lab style.css header class hero nav div Test Web Lab class logo div class nav-links a Features href #features a Projects href #projects a Contact href #contact a Try Now class cta-button href #try-now div class hero-content h1 Web Testing Made Simple p Discover the power of modern web testing with our intuitive tools a Get Started class primary-button href #try-now main section id features class features h2 Why Choose Us div class feature-grid div class feature-card div 🚀 class feature-icon h3 Lightning Fast p Execute tests in milliseconds div class feature-card div 🎯 class feature-icon h3 Precise Results p Accurate and detailed reporting div class feature-card div 🔄 class feature-icon h3 Continuous Testing p Automated workflow integration div class feature-card div 📊 class feature-icon h3 Smart Analytics p Comprehensive test insights section id projects class showcase h2 Featured Projects div class project-grid div class project-card h3 E-Commerce Testing p Complete testing suite for online stores div class project-card h3 API Validation p Comprehensive API testing tools div class project-card h3 Performance Metrics p Advanced performance monitoring section id contact class contact-section h2 Get in Touch form class contact-form input type text placeholder Your Name input type email placeholder Your Email textarea placeholder Your Message button Send Message type submit footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Documentation href #docs a Support href #support a Blog href #blog p Built with passion by the Test Web Lab team script.js